Monday, December 13, 2010

year end party!!!

venue to doll up

so i met the boss this morning... (Dave C. :P) had breakfast
then headed over to Fort Canning to check out our party
venue. HUGE area ok... i'm so glad we checked it out.
From the floor plan i was provided with, i could only make
out a straight forward room. Now i see 5 pillars. And it's
too big a room for handmade garlands or bunting. If i did
make any, it would look super sparse. So it's going to be
store-bought stuff... sadly. After taking photo after photo,
imagining in my head how i wanted it to look, we headed
down to Far East Plaza to check out decor... and door gifts.
No luck there. So... i'll have to do more sourcing. But, i
think it'll be easy la. The decor i mean. Got leads to the
stores that were once at the Concourse. Thanks Sarah!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

NICE!! There's also a few party shops at Bugis/Bras B area. It's the lane directly next to Illuma, there are 2 shops there. ^^