Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Herose Clinic #3

Swelling in feet has gone down a whole lot! yay :) but according to a simple
test, my skin is still not fully normal. You know how you get a red streak if you
scratch your skin with say, a ruler's edge? My skin reacts differently. No red streak.
It stays white :( Doc says i can't use QV moisturizer... which means i have to look
for an alternative :( which means more trials of stuff... i dont like!!! Vaseline is
a big no no too... i developed a rash after using it. Or so it seems. I blame Vaseline
for now. hah. So yes, i'm trying to cope with the rash now. small red spots on
my arms, legs n torso. sigh. I've had to wear super light and airy clothes to work
recently cos of the crazy heat. Tank top and super flowy skirt. Wearing them, i
feel like i'm on vacation! :D

Due to all the scratching, my nails and hands have suffered much. It's pretty amazing
how they broke down slowly after all that friction. My nails have been filed so short
they hurt when i scratch now. My left wrist and thumb hurt so bad i can't lift or grip
stuff. Pain is emerging from my right wrist too so i'm trying to keep scratching at bay.
Man... one problem after another. I sort of asked for it la... Not supposed to scratch
but it's so hard to stop. I know, it can be done but sometimes things just go out of
control, you know.... The other day, i had to blast worship songs to calm myself
down and tried to sing them through my tears. It was a pretty good worship session
i tell you. HAh! Thank you Lord.


Cooking Mastery said...
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Cooking Mastery said...

hello Meiyi, I am Lucas. Like you, I have suffered from eczema from a very young age and have a history of corticosteroid usage to suppress its symptoms. I am aged 20 this year. On Dr. Tang's (Herose Doctor) advice, I stopped all immunosuppressant usage on 4th January 2016 and started taking Dr. Tang's medicine from 4th March 2016. To date, I have taken 2 months of Dr. Tang's medicine. However, things have been getting worse and worse for my skin and the eczema has spread to the entire body, even at places where I never had eczema. My entire life has been put on hold due to this and the intense itch, pain, insomnia is really really hard for me to deal with. I am not sure if his treatment will work, and I am not sure if I can continue doing this should it affect me for a long time. I understand that you have gone through his treatment for a number of years, and I was wondering if you could provide me some insight as to what is expected for his treatment, and whether his treatment really does work, and whether if it is worth it. Or maybe I should just continue steroid usage as per recommendation from dermatologists. Thank you for your help and time in advance, Mei Yi. Your reply would really mean a lot to me as the severe worsening of my eczema ever since I started his treatment is really affecting me.