Thursday, August 19, 2010

today, the memory of me entered the consciousness of grandma. So my mum
got me into the room and left us to chat. She'd ask the same questions over
and over so each time i answered my cantonese got more fluent. We talked
about life, and love.... She said she won't be able to see me get married...
i looked into her eyes and gave her arm a playful smack, "Nah, you
will lah." And she laughed.

I really hope she would. My favourite grandparent passed on last March and
i was pretty sad that he won't be at my wedding, if there is one at all. He would
have been so proud. Anyways... so yea, i chatted with grandma for a full 45min.
In halting Cantonese... but the lines were so rehearsed so it was fun. hahhaa...
It was a rare moment we had.

Although we lived in the same house, she mentioned that i didn't visit her
enough. And that i've grown so much since the last time she saw me. I told
her i'd visit her tomorrow and asked if she'd still be in the same place. She said
she wasn't going anywhere. So that was it. Waved goodbye and i left for work.
Would she remember me tonight? Much less tomorrow. Who knows. Her mind
is a cavern... so dark, so deep, it stretches so far back sometimes, she asks for
her mother. So it really was a rare moment i had with her. To be able to chat
with her, make her laugh... Something i thought i'd never be able to do.
Something i would be jealous of when i see other grandma and granddaughter


cherbie said...

what a beautiful post. i'm reminded to really treasure every loved one around me, every moment, for nothing lasts forever. love to you and your family. xoxo

stArrs said...

times when i wished i cld speak cantonese :)